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Monday, November 5, 2018


MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System) is an example of CUI (Character User Interface) operating system and it is based on commands.

In DOS every function performs with help of predefined ms-dos commands.


or Cmd

dir: To show all the files and directory.

dir/p: To show all files and directory page wise.

dir/w: To show all files and directory as wide list format.

dir/aa: This command is used to show only all files. 

dir/ad: This command is used to show only all directory. 

dir/ah: To show all hidden files and directory.

dir/s: This command is used to show all files and directory.

Copy Con: This command is used to create a file.
Syntax: Copy con file_name
Example: Copy con ABC (Press enter key)

F6 or Ctrl + Z: These commands are used to save a file in ms-dos.

Type: This command is used to open an already existing file.
Syntax: Type file_name
Example: Type ABC (Press enter key)

Dell: This command is used to delete an already file.
Syntax: Dell file_name
Example: Dell ABC (Press enter key)

Ren: This command is used to rename a file or directory name.
Syntax: Ren old_name new_name
Example: Dell ABC XYZ(Press enter key)

MD: This command is used to create a directory.
Syntax: MD directory_name
Example: MD dream (Press enter key)
Explanation: In the above example 'MD' is command and 'dream' is a directory name.

CD: This command is used to open an existing directory.
Syntax: CD directory_name
Example: CD dream (Press enter key)

RD: This command is used to remove a directory.
Syntax: RD directory_name
Example: RD dream (Press enter key)

Move: This command is used to move a file in a directory.
Syntax: Move File_name Directory_name
Example: Move ABC dream (Press enter key)

Tree: This command is used to show the tree of a directory.
Syntax: Tree Directory_name
Example: Tree ABC (Press enter key)

Prompt $: This command is used to change current C:\> sign to blank.
Example: Prompt $ (Press enter key)

Prompt $t: This command is used to change 'C:\>' sign to the current time.
Example: Prompt $ (Press enter key)

Prompt $d: This command is used to change 'C:\>' sign to current date.
Example: Prompt $ (Press enter key)

Prompt $L: This command is used change 'C:\>' sign to '<' sign.
Example: Prompt $L (Press enter key)

Prompt $G: This command is used change 'C:\>' sign to '>' sign.
Example: Prompt $G (Press enter key)

Prompt $p$g: This command is used insert default prompt sign 'C:\>'
Example: Prompt $L (Press enter key)

D: This command is used to change current to D drive.
Example: D: (Press enter key)

Label: This command is used to show and edit current drive name.
Example: Label (Press enter key)

Format: This command is used to format a selected drive

Example: Format D: (Press enter key)

Cls: This command is used to clear the screen.
Example: Cls (Press enter key)

Exit: This command is used to close the MS-DOS

Example: Exit (Press enter key)

Ver: This command is used to show the current DOS version.

Example: Ver (Press enter key)

Doskey/history: This command is used to show all applied commands.
Example: Doskey/history  (Press enter key)

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