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Sunday, November 11, 2018

word shortcuts


Ctrl + A
To select entire document.
Ctrl + B
To bold the selected text.
Ctrl + C
To copy selected text or object.
Ctrl + D
To open the font dialog box.
Ctrl + E
To center align the selected text.
Ctrl + F
To find any character, word or sentence.
Ctrl + G
To open Go to dialog box.
Ctrl + H
To replace dialog box.
Ctrl + I
To italic selected text.
Ctrl + J
To justify alignment.
Ctrl + K
To hyperlink.
Ctrl + L
To left align the selected text.
Ctrl + M
To increase the indent tab.
Ctrl + N
To insert a new document.
Ctrl + O
To open an already existing document.
Ctrl + P
To print the current document.
Ctrl + R
To right align the selected text.
Ctrl + S
To save dialog box.
Ctrl + U
To underline the selected text.
Ctrl + V
To paste the last cut or copied text and object.
Ctrl + W
To close the current document.
Ctrl + X
To cut selected text and object.
Ctrl + Y
To Redo.
Ctrl + Z
To Undo.


Ctrl + F2
To print preview.
Ctrl + F4
To close the current document.
Shift + F3  
To change case.
To save as dialog box.
Ctrl + ]
To increase font size of selected text.
Ctrl + [
To decrease font size of selected text.
Ctrl + Shift + F5
To bookmark selected text line or paragraph.
Ctrl + Shift + (+) 
To convert selected text in superscript.
Ctrl + (=)  
To convert selected text in subscript.
Alt + Ctrl + S
To Split Window.
Alt + Shift + D
To insert current system date.
Alt + Shift + T
To insert the current system time.

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