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Sunday, November 11, 2018

word reveiw tab


Spelling & Grammar (F7): This option is used to find and correct Spelling & Grammar mistakes. 
The number of spelling and grammar suggestions depends on your spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes.

Note: By default, Microsoft word indicates spelling mistakes by a red line and grammar mistakes by a green line. 

Research (Alt + Click): This option require an internet connection to perform search operation and it searches topics by the help of Microsoft search engine ( on the internet.

Thesaurus (Shift + F7): This tool is used to show all synonyms of a selected word.
In other, it suggests other words with a similar meaning to a particular given word.

Word Count: This option is used to show complete details about the current document.
1. Total number of pages.
2. Total number of words.
3. Total number of characters with spaces and without spaces.
4. Total number of paragraphs.
5. Total number of lines.

Translate: This tool is used to convert anyone language sentence or paragraph to another language, for example, if you want to convert English language paragraph to Hindi then you can use this tool.

New Comment: Comments are used to insert additional details to selected word or sentence and this tool is used to add a new comment. 

Delete Comment: This option is used to delete a selected comment or delete all comments.

Previous Comment: This option is used to find the previous comment from the current cursor position.

Next Comment: This option is used to find next comment from the current cursor position. 

Track Changes (Ctrl + Shift + E): This option is used to turn on the Track changes option and after turn on we can easily find any changes (Like insertion, deletion & formatting) made by other users.

Show Markup: This option is used to choose what kind of markup to show in the current document. For example, you can hide or show comments, inserts and deletions, formatting changes, and other kinds of markup.

Accept: This option is used to accept Track changes formatting.

Reject: This option is used to reject Track changes formatting.

Previous Change: This option is used to highlight previous track change formatting.

Next Change: This option is used to highlight next track change formatting.

Compare: This tool is used to compare or combine two or more than two already existing documents. 

Restrict Editing: This option is used to restrict how users can edit or format a specific part or entire document.
you can also prevent formatting changes, force all changes to be tracked, or only enable comment.


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