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Friday, May 10, 2019


Q2. In what year was the most recent census of economic units conducted.

Q3. How often do you conduct censuses of economic units? (e.g., every 5 or 10 years etc.).

4 Years 
3 Years
5 Years
10 Years
Q4. In the most recent economic census, units from what kind of economic activity were not covered? .

Public administration
Q5. If you conducted the economic censuses in the past, what was the year of the last.

Q6. Which ministry sponsored the scheme of Economic Census.

Home Ministry
Q7. What is the purpose of Economic Census.

Data collecction of Population
Data collection of public transport
Data collection of the economic units
Q8. Different census in India.

Minor irrigation
Live stock census
Q9. Find out the Economic Census Exclusion .

Governmnet Office
Both A & B
Q10. Difficulties comes in Economic Census.

Lack of differentiation in economic functions
Gaps in statistical data
Existence of a large non-monetized sector

Q1. What is enumeration?.

The process of interviewing people and recording or listing the information on survey forms is enumeration. 
Enumeration is a complete, ordered listing of all the items in a collection. 
Both A and B
Survey aimed at providing a population count of households/ household size/average income of the family.
Q2. What is an enumeration survey?.

Survey aimed at providing a population count of households/ household size/average income of the family. 
A survey run in the month after each Census.
A study of every unit, everyone or everything, in a population. 
A subset of units in a population, selected to represent all units in a population of interest.
Q3. What is Post Enumeration Survey?.

A survey run in the month after each Census.
A term commonly used in mathematics and computer science to refer to a listing of all of the elements of a set.
A survey that can be conducted after every 2 years.
None of them
Q4. What is an Enumeration Block?.

A study of every unit, everyone or everything, in a population. 
The region ie; the cities or towns which are to be covered in the survey are divided into small areas. 
A data type, and you can use them to create sets of constants for use with variables and properties.
A group of enumerators.
Q5. What is a Census?.

A symbolic name for a set of values.
A subset of units in a population, selected to represent all units in a population of interest.
A complete, ordered listing of all the items in a collection.
A study of every unit, everyone or everything, in a population. 
Q6. What is a Sample?.

The region ie; the cities or towns which are to be covered in the survey are divided into small areas which are called as enumeration blocks. 
A complete, ordered listing of all the items in a collection. 
A subset of units in a population, selected to represent all units in a population of interest.
A term commonly used in mathematics and computer science to refer to a listing of all of the elements of a set. 
Q7. The different communication skills are .

Reading and Writing
Speaking and Listening
A and B
Monitoring and Assessing
Q8. What is Social Perceptiveness.

Actively looking for ways to help people.
Being aware of others' reactions and understanding why they react as they do.
Ability to understand or share feelings or attitudes of others.
None of them
Q9. What is Empathy?.

Ability to judge the situation based on logic and wisdom.
Ability to understand or share feelings or attitudes of others.
Adjusting actions in relation to others' actions.
Understanding the implications of new information for both current and future problem-solving and decision-making
Q10. The process of interviewing people and recording or listing the information on survey forms is enumeration. .


Q1. What does house and establishment listing means?.

It is meant for listing of all establishments and households available in the enumeration blocks (EB), covering both rural and urban areas. 
It is meant for listing of all establishments 
It is meant for listing households. 
None of these 
Q2. Explain the term Establishment?.

The establishment is a unit situated in a single location.
The establishment is a unit situated in a single location in which predominantly one kind of economic activity is carried out such that at least a part of the goods and/or services produced by the unit goes for sale .
The establishment is a unit situated in a single location in which works for sole conusmption 
The establishment sells many goods.

Q3. What does Agricultural Establishment?.

Production of oil
Production of agricultural Goods 
Production of Toys
production of Household items 
Q5. Is Foreign nationals are the part household under EC?.

Could be 
Cant say 
Q6. Choose the correct establishment example?.

Tutoring of own children 
Stitching of garments for the use of household members
Person runs a coaching centre
None of these 
Q7. Can Under trial prisoners are included in household survey?.

Could be
Cant say 
Q8. Household living in open or road side, pavements will be counted in household listing?.

None of these 
Q9. Institutes like Orphanages, Nari Niketans will be listed under household ?.

Could be 
None of these 
Q10. Census town is the village having population more than 5000?.

Could be be 
None of these 

 PART 04
Q1. Which of the following forms of communication is the most basic form of communication?.

 Written Communication
Verbal Communication
Non Verbal Communication 
Q2. Communication is a two-way process, in which the sender sends a __________ to the receiver..

Q3. Behavioral Skills have so many qualities like -.

Friendly in nature 
Q4. Qualitative data involves facts and figures and number..

Q5. Quantitative data involves facts and figures and numbers..

Q6. How to deal with Women ?.

Be Patient 
Do not go into technicalities
Q7. Critical thinking ,persuasion, Monitoring is a part of Motivational Skill ?.

Q8. How to deal with Individuals and people in a group?.

Personal traits like charisma, self-confidence, dedication, decisiveness, optimism, perseverance, high level of energy and passion for his/her work will attract interviewee.
Irrespective of the caste, religion and gender, every person should be considered equally.
As a enumerator, one should campaign for the services under CSC and make the villagers aware of what we offer and its benefits.
Q9.    _________ is the first step of listening..

Q10. characteristics of Social Skills are -.

Emotionally Mature 
Carries an emathetic attitude 
Social Perceptiveness

 PART 05
Q1. Who will does Economic Survey ?.

None of these 
Q2. Why Economic Survey is impotent for Indian citizen ?.

Because Govt. Wants to know the income of every person 
because govt. wants to Tax on Indian 
Because govt.Plans for the Economic growth of every citizen on the basis of this 
Because Govt. Wants to Servilence on every income
Q3. What we covered in Economic Census ?.

Economic Activity of Country 
Economic Activity of Every district 
Economic Activity of Every Village 
Economic Activity of Every Household 
Q4. What is the Means of UFS?.

Urban Frame Survey 
Union Frame Survey 
Unique Frame Survey 
None of these 
Q5. Why we need to cover Identify particulars ?.

Because we need to confirm someone's identity 
Because we need to confirm someone's History 
Because we need to confirm someone's District 
Because we need to confirm someone's State 
Q6. UFS Block created in __________?.

Rural & Urban Both 
None of these 
Q7. If UFS Block created in Urban then what is the equivalent unit is created in Rural area ?.

Enumeration City
Enumeration village 
Enumeration process 
Enumeration Block 
Q8. What is the means of IV Unit?.

Investment Unit 
Inovation Unit 
Investigator Unit 
None of these 
Q9. IV Unit is present in between _____and ____?.

between town and blocks within the town
between district and blocks within the District 
betweenVillage and blocks within the Village 
between city and blocks within the City
Q10. What is the Enumeration Block ?.

Smallest unit of distribution of Urban area
Smallest unit of distribution of Rural area
Smallest unit of distribution of Urban & Rural area
None of these 

 PART 06
Q1. Can we do these surveys even without mobile.

Q2. Which version of Android must you have for yourself to download a mobile application.

Android 4.0
Android 5.0
Android 3.0
None of Above 
Q3. Who to Identify Cencus House Number .

From List 
From Superviosor 
Auto Generated 
None of Above 
Q4. What are the basic information you need to fill for geographical area?.

State and district name Auto filled 
state,district, city, ward name Auto filled 
state,district, city, ward, Pin code and UFS block name Auto filled 
Except for Pin Code & UFS Block – all data will be pre-filled
Q5. How to give you the number of household in your area.

Auto Populated 
through Enumerator 
through Supervisor 
None of Above 
Q6. What are the options available in the drop down of the Ownership of Establishment.

Household and Establishment 
Residential and Commercial
Commercial and household
Residential and household
Q7. Fruit seller,driving an auto-rickshaw (own), selling clothes on a bicycle, Food cart are the example of -----------------.

Inside House 
Fixed stucture inside House 
Without Fixed Structure Outside House
None of Above 
Q8. Tuitions, stitching clothes at home for selling,making pickles for selling are the example of ----------------.

Inside House 
Fixed stucture inside House 
Without Fixed Structure Outside House
None of Above 
Q9. The nature of economic activity is divided into how many parts.

Q10. The nature of economic activity is divided into how many parts.

1)Primary, 2)Manufacturing, 3)Electricity,Gas & Water Supply
1)Primary, 2)Manufacturing, 3)Electricity,Gas & Water Supply, 4)Construction
1)Primary, 2)Manufacturing, 3)Electricity,Gas & Water Supply, 4)Construction, 5)Trading 
1)Primary, 2)Manufacturing, 3)Electricity,Gas & Water Supply, 4)Construction, 5)Trading , 6)Services

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