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payroll Voucher

Payroll Voucher

A payroll voucher is used to record all employee-related transactions. It enables you to compute all thevalues for the respective Pay Heads (Earnings and Deductions).

The calculations are made on the basis of the definitions specified in the pay head masters, pay 
structure and attendance entries. In Tally.ERP 9, you can pass payroll vouchers manually for indi- vidual employee as well as for the entire group/ organisation by using the Auto Fill facility (Alt+A).

In Tally.ERP 9, the disbursement of salaries can be effected in any of the following modes.
A - Direct Remittance– in cash or by cheque

B - Bank Transfer – a direct transfer is made to an employee’s bank account and the list of disbursement is printed separately

Example 1:

On 30th April, 2009, M/s. Spectrum Solutions processes Payroll for all the employees and entitled the following employees for Variable Pay.

Vijay Kumar
Variable Pay

Go to Gateway of Tally > Payroll Vouchers

1. Press Ctrl+F4 for Payroll Voucher

2. Press F2, specify the date as 30-4-2009 and press Enter

3. Press Alt+A (Payroll Auto Fill) to prefill employee payroll details

In the Payroll Auto Fill screen,„

  •  Select Salary in the Process for field

  • Specify 1-4-2009 in the From field
  • Specify 30-4-2009 in the To field
  • Select All Items as Employee/Group
  • Select Cash in the Payroll Ledger field
  • The completed Payroll Auto Fill screen is displayed as shown:

Press Enter to accept the screen (the Cash ledger is prefilled in the Account field)

 All the pay values are calculated for the applicable pay heads for each employee grouped under the selected group
The Payroll Voucher Creation screen is displayed as shown:

4. Press Enter and specify the pay values for the pay heads defined as user-definable values against eachemployee (in this case, define the Variable Pay)
  • Specify 1000 as Variable Pay for Mahesh
  • Similarly, specify 1500 as Variable Pay for Vijay Kumar and press Enter
The completed Payroll Voucher Creation screen is displayed as shown:

5. Press Enter to accept.

B- Bank Transfer

Bank transfer refers to disbursement of Salaries directly into the Employee Bank Accounts by inti- matingthe Bank through a Payment advice. Tally.ERP 9 facilitates processing salaries through Bank transfer with the help of predefined Salary process.

On 31st May, 2009 M/s. Spectrum Solutions disbursed Salaries payable for the month of May 2009 through Bank Transfer. The attendance records displayed the following details:

Vijay Kumar
Present Days
Overtime Hours

120 Min
(2hr x 60min)

On 31st May 2009, M/s. Spectrum Solutions processes Payroll for all the employees and entitled the following employees for Variable Pay.

Vijay Kumar
Variable Pay


 Step 1: Create Attendance Voucher

Create Attendance Vouchers for Present days and Overtime hours for May 2009 as per the details given in the above table.

 The completed Attendance Voucher for Present days is displayed as shown:

Press Enter to accept
In the same way, create an Attendance Voucher for Overtime Hours.
The completed Attendance Voucher for Overtime Hours is displayed as shown:

Press Enter to accept.

Step 2: Create Salary Payable Ledger
Before passing the Salary payment voucher, create the following ledger:

Pay Head Type
Salary Payable
Not Applicable
Current Liabilities
Go to Gateway of Tally > Payroll Info. > Pay Heads > Create
Step 3: Create Payroll Voucher
Go to Gateway of Tally > Payroll Vouchers
1. Press Ctrl+F4 for Payroll Voucher
2. Press F2, specify the date as 31-05-2009 and press Enter
3. Press Alt+A (Payroll Auto Fill) to prefill employee payroll details
4. In the Payroll Auto Fill screen,
„ Select Salary in the Process for field as shown
5. Specify 01-05-2009 in the From field
6. Specify 31-05-2009 in the Tfield
7. Select All Items as Employee/Group
8. Select Salary Payable in the Payroll Ledger field as shown
9. Press Enter (All thpay values are calculated for the applicable pay heads for each employee grouped under the selected group).
10. Press Enter and specify the pay values for the pay heads defined as user-definable values against each employee
„ Specify 1200 as Variable Pay for Ajay
„ Specify 500 as Variable Pay for Vijay Kumar
The completed Payroll Voucher for the month of May 2009 is displayed as shown:
11. Press Enter to accept
After passing the above entry, the salaries payable for the month of May 2009 are transferred to the SalaryPayable Ledger, at the time of payment of salaries, the amount is reversed.

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